Monday, May 31, 2010

do you like cats?

do you like cats?, originally uploaded by xerise.

my own kitty, Minya helping me sort through papers

coconut hat

coconut hat, originally uploaded by xerise.

kitties at the movies

kitties at the movies, originally uploaded by xerise.

kitty and titty

kitty and titty, originally uploaded by xerise.

Friday, May 28, 2010

my framed collection

i found this frame in a thrift store, and decided to fill it with some of the smaller illustrations i found in broken books.

my ear hurts

my ear hurts, originally uploaded by xerise.

a sticker

Bill Gates is a secret mermaid

mermaid Bill Gates, originally uploaded by xerise.

cat butt face

cat butt face, originally uploaded by xerise.
from some strange manga in japanese

werewolf of paris

werewolf of paris, originally uploaded by xerise.

mike and ikes

mike and ikes, originally uploaded by xerise.

may i help you?

may i help you?, originally uploaded by xerise.

bass wishes

bass wishes, originally uploaded by xerise.


octosplatt, originally uploaded by xerise.
from a magazine. i don't know what's happening.


alphabet-yum, originally uploaded by xerise.

thor likes cabbage

thorlikes cabbage, originally uploaded by xerise.

from the Marvel Cookbook. 

more nerve tablets please

more nerve tablets please, originally uploaded by xerise.

on the rebound

rebound, originally uploaded by xerise.

rocket in my pocket

rocket, originally uploaded by xerise.
a questionable title for a kids book


exorcist, originally uploaded by xerise.

thimble elf

thimble elf, originally uploaded by xerise.

grr.. banana nose

grr.. banana nose, originally uploaded by xerise.


baptism!, originally uploaded by xerise.

are you?

new kid?, originally uploaded by xerise.

star trek babe

star trek babe, originally uploaded by xerise.

in starfleet, bras are optional.

hulk rules

hulk rules, originally uploaded by xerise.
circa the 1980's

who stole regan's nose?

who stole regan's nose?, originally uploaded by xerise.

family fun

family fun, originally uploaded by xerise.

classic family fun with sharpened sticks!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

case of the musical cow

case of the musical cow, originally uploaded by xerise.

invisible child

invisible child, originally uploaded by xerise.
from a kids book about health and the body. i improved it by re-ordering the acetate pages.

corset: before/after

corset: before/after, originally uploaded by xerise.
two pictures from an antique medical guide of the damages that corset wearing can do to the body.