Wednesday, July 7, 2010

what? where? why?

what? where? why? , originally uploaded by xerise.
Arnold in all his glory. a collage

is it shiny?

is it shiny? , originally uploaded by xerise.

torpedo juice

torpedo juice, originally uploaded by xerise.
a collage

a white goat

a white goat, originally uploaded by xerise.

a collage


dwarf, originally uploaded by xerise.

Friday, June 18, 2010

be somebody's fool

be somebody's fool, originally uploaded by xerise.

a classic. most of this is on youtube now.

how to do the thriller dance

thriller dance, originally uploaded by xerise.

it's actually from a Richard Simmons workout book...

brined cheeses

brined cheeses, originally uploaded by xerise.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Monday, May 31, 2010

do you like cats?

do you like cats?, originally uploaded by xerise.

my own kitty, Minya helping me sort through papers

coconut hat

coconut hat, originally uploaded by xerise.

kitties at the movies

kitties at the movies, originally uploaded by xerise.

kitty and titty

kitty and titty, originally uploaded by xerise.

Friday, May 28, 2010

my framed collection

i found this frame in a thrift store, and decided to fill it with some of the smaller illustrations i found in broken books.